Congrats, your business has grown so much that you hired an ad agency to handle your Facebook Ads. This is a huge step in growing your revenue and scaling your business to new levels.
There are thousands of ad agencies or individuals out there, some of which are phenomenal at what they do. They understand the key components of running ads, and the data it provides, but how do you know if you have the right agency working with you to help you grow?
Here are 7 signs it may be time to fire your ad agency.
Promising or guaranteeing results before looking at your offers and funnels.
This should go without saying, but if an agency is guaranteeing ANY kind of result for you, may be a warning flag. Yes, there are amazing agencies out there who can generate amazing results and are confident in doing the same for you, but the volatility of the algorithms, the competition, the budget, means nothing is a guarantee. This is especially true if the agency hasn’t even looked through all of your offers and funnels. They can’t guarantee results on something they’ve never seen. If someone is claiming a guarantee of a specific amount of sales or ROI before even looking at your pages, it’s a good sign they aren’t the right fit.
Little to no communication about the data results, KPI checks and your offers
It’s great to have trust in your agency to do their job and continue to generate the results you’re looking for, but if they aren’t staying in contact with you about those results, it may be a sign of trouble. KPI’s can and should change regularly and affect the overall results you’re looking to achieve. It’s also key that the agency knows all of your offers and stays up to date with everything the business has for assets. It’s always in your best interest to have some form of check ins happening on whatever consistent basis you agree upon.
Providing no feedback on your offers or landing pages/funnels where they see possible problems with your conversions
It’s not up to the agency to fix your broken offers or tweak your existing funnels (unless you hired them to do so), but a good agency will see where there are possible breakdowns in your offerings that are affecting the conversion rates of your ads. Sometimes these show after ads have begun running, but often the agency will have a good idea before they begin running traffic if there are obvious signs of trouble on a landing page. They should be giving you their suggestions and insights as to what may need some tweaking. Remember, a good agency wants you to succeed, not fail.
Constantly asking for your approval
Pretty sure you hired a professional or a team of professionals, right? So if they are seeking your approvals on the ads they run, asking for your constant feedback, it could be a sign they are inexperienced and may not get the results you’re looking for. Now that’s not to say they shouldn’t ask for your input, but ultimately they’re the ones who understand what works or doesn’t work with ads. The only thing they should require some extra guidance on is your client avatar/audience. This is something you need to help them understand.
You have no access to the data or the ads themselves
These are your ads and your data. You have a right to it all. If an agency is running ads out of their business manager on your behalf, or if they’re using their own pixel and not one you own, be wary. These are signs that the agency may be using your data for their own personal gains. It is possible for an agency to have this model, but be very clear what they’re doing and who owns the data if the partnership dissolves. If you don’t get to keep all of the results and data, it may not be in your best interests to be working with this agency.
There is no segmentation of your audiences
If all your agency is doing is filling the top of your funnel, then it’s probably time to find a new agency. A good agency will be able to identify the best possible ways to retarget your warm audiences with your middle of funnel offers to keep them in your ecosystem. If someone has purchased even a low priced product from you, chances are they will purchase more from you. If you aren’t staying in front of them, you lose out on a lot of missed revenue.
Your gut feeling is telling you something
Your intuition is generally never wrong. If you feel like your agency should be doing better, or there’s something missing, then it’s time to listen to it. A good agency ad specialist should make you feel good about your results and your partnership. If you aren’t feeling confident in their abilities, it does a disservice to your business to continue to use them.
If any of these signs are something you’re experiencing with your current ad agency or specialist, it may warrant a conversation with them or it may be time to look for some new blood.
I work with 6&7 figure entrepreneurs and business owners ready to scale and grow their converting offers with Facebook Ads.
You can apply to work with me here: www.bluepagesocial.com/contact